About Us
The Eastern Order of International Co-Freemasonry maintains Lodges in Argentina, Brazil, Costa Rica, Mexico, Puerto Rico, USA, Spain, France, India, Australia, New Zealand, Ukraine, and South Africa. The Order follows the traditions of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite (AASR), and the York Rite. However, these obediences have no doctrine but are systems of symbols and allegory that lead to self-improvement through service to the world. As such, Freemasonry is compatible with a broad range of world-views and religious or philosophical traditions, without itself being limited to any of them.
The Eastern Order of International Co-Freemasonry is a twenty-first-century reform that practices traditional Masonry but with a conscious realisation of its inner, esoteric, psychological and spiritual significance as a contemporary expression of the Mysteries. We admit into our fellowship all properly prepared persons on equal footing, without distinction of race, religion, or gender.
One excellent description of the purpose of Co-Freemasonry is "Ordo ab chao," Order out of chaos. A life of haphazardness, of chaos, is transformed gradually into a life of order, purpose and beauty.
The Eastern Order of International Co-Freemasonry is of the same line of tradition, works the same forms, and is inspired by the same ideals as those of the Grand Lodges and the Supreme Councils of all regular Masonic Orders. Co-Freemasonry, as the name implies, admits to membership women equally with men, and it admits them to true, ancient Freemasonry, not to any substitutive or adoptive rites.
The origin of Masonic tradition can be traced to the Ancient Mysteries of bygone civilisations, including those of Egypt and Greece, and these Ancient Mysteries can be recognised as the fount of subsequent religious, philosophical, and ethical teachings. In Masonry, certain aspects of truth have been expressed in ceremonial form, and at the same time they have been preserved or “veiled” from those who would ignorantly misrepresent them. To the altruistic and earnest seeker after wisdom, Masonry gives not only valuable practical training and counsel, but it also brings spiritual enlightenment that will sustain a Mason in his or her darkest hours. Masonic symbolism and allegory become a basic part of a Mason’s thought and enable one to express simply the profound truths of life and growth. Of paramount importance is the maintenance of silence with regard to Masonic secrets. Quite apart from the guarding of truth from age to age, a Mason must learn to keep his own counsel as well as to preserve inviolate the confidences of a Brother. The practice of true brotherliness is the greatest and strongest ideal and precept in Freemasonry. Charity has always been one of the chief Masonic virtues, and a Mason is enjoined to practise it in thought, word, and deed.